West Meets East

Beyond the Place of Joy. . .

Beyond the place of Joy. . . Have you ever had joy moments with your children that take you beyond the place of joy and contentment in motherhood (or fatherhood) where your heart is overflowing with love and joy that is beyond what you expected? My kids call it the overflowing heart. . . and it is so full of love that it flows out of your eyes too. I had one of those moments this week with my 4 year old son. I snuggle him down into his bed and he hugs me tight. I smile and smooth the hair off of his forehead. I start the memory verse tonight, “For God so loved. . . “ and he takes his turn, “the world (including me, Hudson Hunt)”, I pipe in, ”that He gave His only Son,” “Thaaaat (a yawn escapes him) whoever believes in Him”, and in unison we finish the verse, “will not perish, but have eternal life.” He grabs onto my neck and holds me tighter than what actually feels comfortable and yet his tight, little grip feels so familiar and I don’t even mind that he pulls me closer and kisses the entire side of my face 4 or 5 times. After bedtime prayers and I am on my way out the door I hear, "Mama, do you want to be a queen when you grow up?" . . . long pause as I think about why he thinks that I'm not grown up now (still pondering that part :) "Sure, bud, why do you ask?" "Because then you can live in my castle and I'll be the knight that protects you." I go back and give one more snuggle and thank him for his love and offer of protection. Then on my 2nd time out the door. . . I hear, "OH! And Daddy can be the king. "

1 comment:

  1. Sweet overflowing heart! :) He'll be your little knight!
